Hezbollah’s long-dreaded retaliation for the killing of a senior commander appeared to be over before it began. But analysts said tensions could yet escalate further. The escalating strikes across the Israel-Lebanon border fueled fears of a bigger conflagration, but both sides signaled that they were de-escalating, for now. Israel and the Lebanese militia Hezbollah carried out some of their heaviest cross-border attacks in months on Sunday morning. In his 30s, the Republican vice-presidential nominee read works on theology, mysticism, and political and moral philosophy. And he discovered his faith. Pavel Durov, the founder of the app, which has more than 900 million users, was taken into custody by the French authorities. The tennis star unveils her U.S. Open look, made by Nike and the designer Yoon Ahn. It has tulle, ribbons and frills — call it “Lolita goth.” The organization said many of those targeted by the raids, conducted by a unit created by the Texas attorney general, Ken Paxton, were Democratic leaders and election volunteers. Some think the drama, “Zero Day,” helps Taiwan confront an increasingly plausible scenario. Others say the show is alarmist and a tool of the government. In our view, these eight comedies, dramas and more have attained classic status 25 years later. Let us know your own picks. The police say they have arrested a man they believe killed three people and wounded eight others at a festival in the town of Solingen, in western Germany. Antiterrorism prosecutors said officers had taken a man into custody in connection with a blast outside a synagogue in the southern French resort of La Grande Motte. Starbucks is struggling with an overly complex menu. There are places in America where climate change feels close at hand — and also far away from politics, partly because of how much work there is to do. The vice president is beginning to tell a new story about how the economy works, which could serve as the basis for a governing philosophy that crosses party lines. More than 20,000 customers were without power by Sunday afternoon, but neither the winds nor the flooding from the storm were dramatic. State Republicans accused Dave Williams, who was ousted in a landslide vote, of dividing the party with “hateful narratives,” most recently against the L.G.B.T.Q. community. The tourists were part of a group exploring a glacier in southeastern Iceland when an ice canyon wall collapsed. A fourth tourist was rescued, officials said. She and her husband had the bad luck to make their “Ed Sullivan Show” debut the same night as the Beatles. They bombed. But their careers would recover. Two architects in the Netherlands made the most of the tiniest of spaces, “maximizing absolutely everything.” |
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