Inflation data showed a slowdown in annual price increases in April, but a closely watched monthly price measure continues to rise at an uncomfortably brisk rate. In some villages along the front, Ukrainian and Russian soldiers face off at close quarters, sometimes within eyesight of one another. Russia’s president is calculating that Western leaders will tire before he does of a protracted struggle in Ukraine, especially if the price is turbocharged inflation and energy shortages. Republicans used a filibuster to thwart the bill, but Democrats hoped the high-profile failure of their legislation would help them at the polls in November. The disclosure of a draft opinion that would overrule Roe v. Wade, legal experts said, was evidence that the court is not much different from other Washington institutions. The lawyer argued that mail ballots in Pennsylvania in the 2020 election could be culled in a way that would reverse President Donald J. Trump’s defeat in an electorally critical state. The former president must pay a $110,000 fine that accumulated during the two-week contempt period and meet other conditions or the order will be reinstated, a judge said. The favored gathering place of Trump supporters — and a magnet for conflict of interest questions — will become a Waldorf Astoria. The settlement, which includes insurance companies, developers and other defendants, comes nearly a year after the tragedy killed 98 people. Doug Mastriano and Kathy Barnette are amplifying Donald Trump’s stolen-election lie in two key races. Republicans fear they could lose in November. Democrats fear they could win. Bo Hines, a leading candidate in a Republican House primary next week in North Carolina, has little political experience but holds major campaign advantages, including money and powerful backers. J. Shia, the owner of Madhouse Motors in Boston, repairs and refurbishes vintage bikes, but she also creates motorcycle sculptures shown in exhibits. What’s the difference between a woman and a sea turtle? The Senate wants to know. There’s a human toll to misinformation. America’s richest man tries to halt the liberal retreat from dynamism. The Florida governor, like many other Republicans, needs to get his story straight. Democrats are warning that Roe’s fall could threaten a wide range of privacy rights — including the right to birth control. Keeping your head on the pillow may be a learned behavior. Two conservative writers discuss Trumpism’s appeal in the Republican Party and what the rise of J.D. Vance foreshadows for the midterms. The proposed ban on menthol cigarettes, long aimed at Black consumers, is crucial to reducing smoking, especially among young people. Out of a halting attempt at democratization grew a corrupt ecosystem that has proved very difficult for the Russian elite to resist. Billy Crystal, Shoshana Bean and performers from “Company,” “MJ,” “A Strange Loop,” “Six” and other Tony-nominated shows will share songs and stories. Alex Harrison sued his school district for negligence after his high school tennis coach molested him. The case landed him back at the courthouse where he’d first told his story years earlier. A panel from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit rejected a judge’s argument that those under 21 were historically “believed unfit” for “responsible firearm possession and use.” Artificial intelligence is being woven into an array of the company’s products. But the change — for now — is subtle. As temperatures reach record highs, here’s guidance on coping with extreme heat. It might be that in exposing the waist, designers are also revealing their hope for a bolder and better future. More Recent Articles |
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