Circling back to your content about cancer - In world

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Circling back to your content about cancer

Hey there!

Checking in on the interesting content you shared on your website ! As well, my offer to contribute original content to your site still stands.

We feel The Complete Dog Cancer Guide that covers 16 different types of dog cancer in-depth would be a great addition to your website and social media presence and benefit your readership.

What are your thoughts on sharing a link on your website or social media to our guide?

To better match your site's style and voice, I'd be more than happy to draft up a version of our complete guide that better resonates with your brand.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions you have and let me know your thoughts on this!

Warm regards,

P.S. We'd be more than happy to reach out directly to anyone on your team who might be interested in talking about this further. Feel free to send us an email address so we can message them!





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