Some states have taken tentative steps toward reopening businesses shuttered by the coronavirus. In Georgia, it meant a few residents were out getting haircuts and their tongues pierced. As lawmakers scramble to assemble the largest government relief effort in decades, they are locked in a cycle of reacting to events and hoping for better economic news. As small businesses and individuals struggle to obtain federal aid, the wealthiest are poised to reap tens of billions of dollars in tax savings. The president’s off-again, on-again speech in June will bring back cadets who had scattered across the country to help counter the coronavirus. Fox News anchors conceded that injecting disinfectant would be “poisonous.” But Rush Limbaugh and Breitbart defended Trump. “The first and most important thing is to turn off the faucet of new immigrant labor — mission accomplished,’’ Mr. Miller told conservatives allies, according to an audio recording. A team of scientists worked around the clock to evaluate 14 antibody tests. A few worked as advertised. Most did not. California, New Jersey and New York have made nursing homes accept Covid-19 patients from hospitals. Residents and workers fear the policy is risking lives. With the mobs of visitors gone, the city once again belongs to the Parisians. And, of course, to “les microbes.” The government is adamant that it will not seek an extension, saying it will reject the idea even if the European Union asks. The answer so far appears to be no. But some online education tools are likely to stick around. Here’s what you need to know at the end of the day. Get recommendations on the best TV shows and movies to watch. “The truth is down there, and you’ve got to go down and dig for it.” The distribution of coronavirus bailout funds requires more attention. It has become an act of resilience in isolation, a way to seduce without touch. The notion that he is bound for four more years is pure superstition. A national lockdown is bad medicine and worse politics. Republicans look the other way when electoral cheating helps them. An extended shutdown is not without enormous consequence. Random sampling is the quickest, most feasible and most effective means of assessing the U.S. population. Leaving states to fend for themselves is a shocking abdication of responsibility that may haunt his party in November. Shareholders at JP Morgan Chase should block a former Exxon chief from another term on the bank’s board. The battle for humanity and solidarity in the post-American world. The colony entered my dreams, my thoughts, my conversations. Something about me had changed. The job promises flexible hours, a connection to nature and irresistible Instagram content. But is it recession-proof? “We’ll go anywhere the science takes us and nowhere the science doesn’t,” said the medical director of the players’ union. Sergio Moro, the justice minister who became the face of a powerful anti-corruption crackdown in Brazil, resigned in protest after President Jair Bolsonaro fired the head of the national police. The Polarstern, a science ship, will have to temporarily break out of polar ice because supply flights are no longer possible. For the next 60 days, supermarkets in the state can hand out single-use bags without charging. Some are skeptical that suspending the ban will protect anyone’s health. The ruling is another court victory by French unions against Amazon in a battle over workplace safety. While at the F.C.C., he used the fairness doctrine to challenge the tobacco industry. He also helped pave the way for televised presidential debates. Fearing they might lose their business, Graceann Dorse and her husband have applied for aid from federal, state, city and private groups, but they have had little success so far. Joseph R. Biden Jr. has increasingly speculated that President Trump may try to delay or disrupt the election in some way, sending a warning signal that attempts to frame the president as desperate. Aware of the irony of dying during a pandemic, he said history repeats itself. A family member called the brothers “pandemic bookends.” There is no evidence that sunlight, bleach or any disinfectant can cure coronavirus in the body. Here’s a guide to working with sprays, wipes and a bleach-based solution to clean surfaces of the pathogen. Plasma from people who have recovered from Covid-19 may help others fight the disease. Rekindling dormant ties can bring unexpected benefits to our lives. The “Drag Race” veteran, who is sheltering in Texas, stars in the new unscripted show “We’re Here.” Whether in his new movie “Windows on the World” or his work with children, the actor aims to give voice to the marginalized, something he thinks the film world should consider. The country is home to most of the world’s wild tigers, and wildlife authorities announced steps to protect them. New pets can offer companionship, but don’t forget to provide proper care and to socialize them even while you’re maintaining social distance. More Recent Articles |
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