Even as the Senate prepares for the substantive start of the proceedings against President Trump, there are big unanswered questions. Here are some of them. Representative Adam Schiff, the House Intelligence Committee chairman, said the agency was withholding documents from his panel, including some that might be useful in the impeachment trial. Twenty-one years ago, President Bill Clinton was brought up on charges of high crimes and misdemeanors. But there were some big differences from what President Trump now faces. As the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump nears, the Republican senator from Colorado has gone to ground as he tries to keep moderates and independents in his corner while facing a tough re-election race. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg are trying to woo older black voters with policy. Those policies may be why they’re struggling to win their support. On his first campaign stop for the Martin Luther King holiday in South Carolina, Joe Biden denounced the president in some of his strongest language yet. Isabel dos Santos, the daughter of Angola’s former president, built an empire in a country mired in corruption. Western consultants were her advisers. 2019 was a very hot year, with global average temperatures the second highest on record,by less than one-tenth of a degree Fahrenheit behind 2016. We’ve come to know a more complex King, one who reacted realistically to white backlash. Maybe we’ve been telling ourselves the wrong story about his rivalry with Rafael Nadal. Journalists worry that a New York hedge fund with a big stake in the paper will impose draconian cuts, as it has elsewhere. How Communist cruelty and Western folly built an underpopulation bomb. Juan Guaidó, the leader of the opposition, left the country in a risky move that could land him in jail. He is seeking much-needed leverage against President Nicolás Maduro. Mr. Shin transformed a small business in postwar Tokyo into a corporate giant spanning South Korea and Japan. The unveiling of the new military branch’s name tape — “U.S. Space Force,” embroidered in blue — was overshadowed by reactions to its familiar camouflage uniform. A NASA program could be ready to launch astronauts to orbit once again, and the number of people traveling to space could surge. The couple’s wish to carve out more ‘progressive’ roles has led to the loss of perks, privileges and titles. Shops and restaurants are now being labeled either yellow, to note support for the city’s protest movement, or blue, in support of the police. The move is having a big economic impact. The decision to endorse two candidates was a significant break with convention. The board said it reflected the Democratic Party’s “radical” and “realist” models. The reigning champions, Naomi Osaka and Novak Djokovic, have been playing well, but there is a lot of potential for drama. In this week’s Tripped Up column, Sarah Firshein investigates how a family in the Bahamas can recover vacation funds to rebuild their home. Planetary science experiments on Earth suggest that the sun’s second planet might have ongoing volcanic activity. Newnan, Ga., decided to use art to help the community celebrate diversity and embrace change. Not everyone was ready for what they saw. More Recent Articles |
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