Seth's Blog : Consider A/J testing - In world

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Seth's Blog : Consider A/J testing

The problem with A/B testing is that people don't like to fail. So they test option A against option B, where both options are quite similar. Blue boxes vs. green boxes. $199 vs. $205. Why not spend some time on A/J testing instead? Test radically ...

Consider A/J testing

The problem with A/B testing is that people don’t like to fail.

So they test option A against option B, where both options are quite similar.

Blue boxes vs. green boxes. $199 vs. $205.

Why not spend some time on A/J testing instead?

Test radically different alternatives.

Test eliminating the entrance fee. Test increasing the price 400%. Test making the movie thirty minutes long, or five hours…

You won’t be surprised very often, but when you are, bingo.


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