The arrest of Meng Wanzhou, an executive at the Chinese company Huawei, could imperil trade talks. But it is part of the Trump administration’s efforts to contain China and Iran. Britain, New Zealand, Australia and other countries have grown increasingly worried about potential security risks related to the Chinese telecom giant. The proposal would limit the bird’s protected habitat to just 1.8 million acres, essentially opening up nine million acres of land to drilling. The Trump administration’s proposal would significantly weaken a major Obama-era regulation on clean water, according to a talking points memo. There is little doubt among scientists and economists that carbon taxes are needed to reduce fossil fuel dependence. The question is how to design them to cushion the blow on the most vulnerable. At the president’s New Jersey golf course, an undocumented immigrant has worked as a maid since 2013. She said she never imagined she “would see such important people close up.” Heather Nauert, a former Fox News anchor who has been the public face of the State Department since last year, would replace Nikki Haley as ambassador to the United Nations. William P. Barr, a supporter of executive power who served as attorney general in 1991-93, is a front-runner to lead the Justice Department again. A cutting-edge program to help severely mentally ill people live on their own has endangered people who were not ready, a new investigation shows. Since releasing the results in October, the ancestry issue clouding her possible presidential campaign has only intensified. The Democratic candidate, T.J. Cox, was declared the winner. With this result, Democrats have now captured 40 House seats from Republicans. Here’s what you need to know at the end of the day. Here’s what you need to know to start your day. Weeks of violent protest by France’s angry working poor are testing a president who promised the people reform but has failed to govern with them, rather than over them. The decision has taken away an essential platform for some women and members of the L.G.B.T.Q. community. Limiting lawmakers’ outside income while substantially raising their pay is a worthy compromise. This group will not willingly cede its power. On trade, Trump is a rebel without a clue It isn’t just Les Moonves and CBS. Workplace investigators face many obstacles when trying to get to the facts of sexual misconduct allegations. Climate policy should be about solving problems, not salving consciences. The threat from President Trump and Republicans to take health care away — including a pending case that would strike down a large part of the law — has hit alarming levels. ‘I always tell myself that it’s O.K. to be nervous, but it’s not O.K. to let that nervousness impact my game.’ A combative approach from George H.W. Bush put Clarence Thomas on the court and and has been embraced by Mitch McConnell and other Republicans. Indispensable to the Jewish worldview is the idea that humans are unique, that we possess a spiritual component and that our actions are freely chosen. The former first lady’s long-awaited new memoir recounts with insight, candor and wit her family’s trajectory from the Jim Crow South to Chicago’s South Side and her own improbable journey from there to the White House. Genre lines continued to blur and the definition of album shifted further in another year of upheaval in pop music. This week in El Espace: black beauty bloggers, wellness tips “for the culture” and more. Young people with homemade firebombs and riot police with tear gas clashed in the streets of Athens and Thessaloniki on Thursday, after protests over a police shooting unraveled. Two of the country’s election agencies got into a messy public dispute after votes cast in Kabul in parliamentary elections were declared invalid. An effort by Nikki R. Haley, the American ambassador, to counter what she called an anti-Israel bias at the United Nations became, in her words, “just another ordinary day.” The Statehouse’s holiday display includes a Christmas tree, a menorah and a tribute to Satan, which are all protected by the First Amendment. Many in Sunderland saw the 2016 referendum as a chance to strike a blow to the political establishment. Now they see it as another example of broken promises. The show’s “physical, administrative and cultural separation” from the rest of CBS News permitted misconduct, according to a draft of a report for the CBS board. What began as a small debate in a wealthy Connecticut town erupted into a controversy over when Mom and Dad should let go. These two pragmatic Republicans, both Navy veterans, came of age when leaders acknowledged that there were far greater threats in the world than the opposing party. Suggested reading from critics and editors at The New York Times. During her short-lived career as a limousine driver in the 1980s, Kathy Shorr captured her passengers’ celebrations in New York. Auctioning off the rights to name a new species is a decades-old practice. Some scientists think it’s ethically questionable. More Recent Articles |
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