Seth's Blog : "We don't do rabbits" - In world

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Seth's Blog : "We don't do rabbits"

One thing that's often taught in amateur internet marketing school is the idea of keyword stuffing. List every possible thing that someone might want you to do on your website, so if they type that in, they'll find you. It's...

"We don't do rabbits"

One thing that's often taught in amateur internet marketing school is the idea of keyword stuffing.

List every possible thing that someone might want you to do on your website, so if they type that in, they'll find you.

It's an echo of something that freelancers and small businesses have been doing forever, "what do you need?" as an answer to the question, "what do you do?"

I was at the vet a few years ago, and he was busy trying to fix a rabbit. He's a good vet, but how many rabbits does he actually get to treat? I think everyone would have been happier if he had announced that the client should have taken her pet to a rabbit specialist.

You might be as well.

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