Here’s what you need to know at the end of the day. House and Senate negotiators reach agreement, appearing on track to send a bill to President Trump by Christmas. Throughout the Capitol on Wednesday, Republicans seemed resigned to the results of a Senate race in which they knew there would be no good outcome. The tax bills moving through Congress could penalize individuals for financial decisions they made based on longstanding law, affecting the financial situations of millions. President Trump, never one to accept blame, said the Democratic upset in Alabama proved he was right all along, and he gave little indication that he would shift course. Writers from across the political spectrum on the victory of Doug Jones and the defeat of Roy Moore in the Alabama Senate race. Turned off by Roy S. Moore, Stephen K. Bannon and President Trump, African-Americans turned out at levels that ensured victory for the Democratic Senate candidate. Exit polling shows 98 percent of female African-American voters supported Doug Jones in the Senate election in Alabama. We spoke to some of them to learn what was so important to them in this election. Black women were critical to Doug Jones’s Senate victory. Most white women supported his conservative opponent, Roy Moore, although the Republican had been banking on even more. Mr. Simmons, a powerful gatekeeper in the entertainment and media worlds, damaged careers and self-confidence with his pattern of sexual assault and harassment, the women say. Republicans, including party mainstays, as well as the president’s lawyers are undermining the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, as his probe gathers speed. Some messages criticized the Clinton team and the Obama administration, but the officials appeared appalled at some of Donald J. Trump’s comments during the campaign. The country is often reminded of what grief looks like immediately after mass violence. But Newtown shows how mourning evolves and endures years later. If they want to win more elections, they need to integrate black voters into the heart and soul of the party. The Resistance has its own Southern Strategy. We need investigations. But we already know the truth about what our president thinks about women. His conduct has spurred women to action. It’s bad politics as well as bad policy, but Republicans either don’t get that or don’t care My uncle’s experience reporting on the Freedom Riders in 1961 has always chilled me the deepest. Republicans embraced Trump, Moore and post-ethics politics. In defeat, they are officially post-shame. His smear on Twitter insinuates that women succeed only if they trade on their sexuality, not because they are smart, savvy or resourceful. As vital as military spending is, that doesn’t justify waste or robbing from other important programs. A new ferry route. Traffic restrictions on the Williamsburg Bridge. New bus lanes and wider sidewalks on 14th Street. These are just a few measures. Under the deal, 20,000 wireless employees would get better pay and job protection. The union will push for the company’s acquisition of Time Warner. The nominee, Michael L. Dourson, had faced criticism on several fronts for his ties to the chemical industry. “One of the things that gave Beau courage, my word, was John,” Mr. Biden told a tearful Ms. McCain. Her father, John McCain, has the same form of cancer that killed his son Beau. Representative Dan Johnson, a first-term Republican, was accused of molesting a 17-year-old parishioner nearly five years ago at the evangelical church he led in Louisville. The largest of the fires has damaged a portion of the harvest in the country’s most productive region for both crops. The Federal Reserve continued to slowly increase interest rates, and it said the tax bill was unlikely to increase its pace of doing so. The ambitious head of an embattled tech company is the latest casualty of China’s efforts to rein in irresponsible borrowing through public humiliation. Create Young Adult Residences serves men 18 to 25, helping them transition into adulthood. It offers a support system that has proved invaluable to many residents. Brandon Gap, managed by the Forest Service, is a beautiful place to glide. But maintaining it requires some hard work — and that’s a good thing. Artists explore some of their off-kilter obsessions in a series of distinctive online videos. Within the rote exercise of authors’ acknowledgments, truths about family, struggle, pride and terror manage to seep out. Alumnae of the women’s school Finch College, which closed in 1975, still gather regularly to reminisce about high jinks and distribute scholarships. For anyone who cares about the continuance of Brown’s oeuvre, this performance by a crop of mostly new dancers was encouraging. Rapid, erratic heartbeats — called ventricular tachycardia — can lead to sudden death. An experimental radiation treatment has eased the condition in five patients. Join residents of a Japanese village devastated by the 2011 tsunami as they celebrate the rebuilding of the 1,000-year-old Buddhist Kongoji Temple on higher ground. More Recent Articles |
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