Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended his response to the Security Council’s condemnation, saying that Israel does not “turn the other cheek.” The American Medical Association endorsed the choice of Tom Price, a physician, but thousands of doctors have opposed it, citing Mr. Price’s opinions on health care and other issues. While praising Hillary Clinton, the president said he could have “mobilized a majority of the American people,” eliciting a rebuttal from the president-elect. An editorial in Enid opposing Donald J. Trump brought a spate of canceled subscriptions and pulled ads, showing the raw power of partisanship in small-town America. Mr. Michael made turning out hits look easy. But there was an uneasiness just below the surface as he grappled with weightier things, like sexuality. While admirers focused on Mr. Michael’s previously unreported donations and philanthropy, a more complicated image of his life in recent years loomed, as well. When the young singer spoke out about his concerns over “major exposure,” the older legend stepped in with a suggestion: “Loosen up. Swing, man.” The duo Wham! cultivated the image of carefree teenage rebels. Then, in his solo career, Mr. Michael chose to set pop superficiality aside. The contracts relieve the true owner of the home of the responsibility for fixing it, and the result is more children with dangerous lead poisoning. The story of Robert Durst, awaiting trial in the killing of his friend Susan Berman, is familiar. But her story, that of a skilled storyteller racked by depression, is only now emerging. In a practice unique to Catalonia, people climb on top of each other to create towers called castells, sometimes up to 10 tiers high. Step inside a town square as one goes up. A large chunk of the fuselage was located in the Black Sea about a mile offshore, initially by sonar and then by divers, officials said. It now appears that Shinzo Abe will be the fourth prime minister to visit the site, and that one of the previous three was Nobusuke Kishi, his grandfather. Its deals represented half of all agreements in the worldwide arms bazaar, a study found. The biggest buyers of weapons globally were Qatar, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Three burglars who broke into the Dennis Basso store on Saturday passed up merely pricey mink furs on the way to plucking more expensive sables. Airlines are wary of drones and other devices with powerful batteries. And they won’t be as delighted as you are with that virtual reality headset. The Twitter accounts of Sony Music Global and Bob Dylan said Ms. Spears was dead; she is alive and well. OurMine claimed responsibility for the attack. Mr. Darby created his invention, widely acknowledged as the first windsurfing craft, out of frustration that the waves on lakes were not big enough to surf on. Some use alliteration (Incredible India), others invoke majesty (Cambodia’s Kingdom of Wonder) and a few (Syria’s Always Beautiful) seem disconnected from reality. Diana Olivarez once struggled with bipolar disorder. But when her daughter began to suffer from developmental issues, she knew she had to act. More Recent Articles |
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