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A Neighborhood Is ShakenWindows were smashed, glass doors broken and trains stuck. The day after an explosion injured 29, causing mayhem in Chelsea, residents of the Manhattan neighborhood recounted the blast. How Police Found Second Bomb, and a ‘Total Containment Vessel’ Hauled It AwayThe authorities used a “total containment vessel” to haul the device to the Bronx before passing it along to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Chaos of the Manhattan Explosion, Captured by CamerasVideos, some recorded on cellphones and security cameras, show the terror of Saturday’s blast in Manhattan, and the return of calm by the next morning. Mayor de Blasio Avoids Terrorism Label in Manhattan ExplosionThe mayor struck a tone of deliberation, but some saw his description of the attack as conflating the real-world definition of terrorism. After Blast, New Yorkers Examine Themselves for Psychological ShrapnelA walk around Manhattan in the wake of the Saturday night explosion revealed residents conducting their own interior investigations. A Routine Night, Until an Explosion Lifted Her Off Her FeetHelena Ayeh was carrying a bag with wine bottles through the gate of her apartment building on West 23rd Street in Chelsea when she was thrown through the air by the blast. Chelsea Explosion: What We Know and Don’t KnowAt least 29 people were injured in an explosion in a Manhattan neighborhood in what Mayor Bill de Blasio called “an intentional act.” Watch: ‘Injuries Are Significant,’ Mayor SaysMayor Bill de Blasio said Saturday night that there was no specific and credible threat to New York City from any terror organization. Obama Sees ‘Personal Insult’ if Blacks Don’t Rally for Hillary ClintonMany Democrats are afraid that Mrs. Clinton’s large edge among African-American voters may be undercut by apathy and low voter turnout. White House Letter: Obama Asks for Reality Check as ‘Frivolous’ Issues Dominate ElectionPresident Obama has limited opportunities in his last months in office to shift focus from the raucous presidential campaign to his signature issues. Doctor's World: A Doctor’s Assessment of Whether Donald Trump’s Health Is ‘Excellent’Mr. Trump has pledged to release a full medical report, but has yet to do so. Here is an assessment of what he has released so far, and what remains unknown. Doctor's World: How Healthy Is Hillary Clinton? Doctors Weigh InThe disclosure that Mrs. Clinton had pneumonia has put candidates’ health under scrutiny. Here is an assessment of the medical history Mrs. Clinton has made public. Coming Soon, Economists Hope: Big Spending on Roads, Bridges and PortsHillary Clinton, Donald J. Trump and many economists support investing billions in the nation’s crumbling infrastructure, but paying for it won’t be simple. F.B.I. Treats Minnesota Mall Stabbing Attack as ‘Potential Act of Terrorism’The Islamic State claimed responsibility for an attack in which nine people were injured before the knife-wielding man was shot by an off-duty police officer. Airstrike on Syrian Troops Weakens U.S. Effort to Curb ViolenceThe accidental killing of Syrian soldiers again exposed the White House’s struggles to put together a coherent strategy in a multisided civil war. The Interpreter: Straightforward Answers to Basic Questions About Syria’s WarTracking the toll is not difficult, but understanding how and why the conflict evolved is far more complicated – and important. Your Weekend BriefingHere’s what you need to know about the week’s top stories. Red Carpet Review: Tuxes Are Easy. It’s the Emmy Gowns That Demand Effort.When it comes to the red carpet fashion, it’s the actresses who do all the heavy lifting. WatchingThere’s more to watch than ever before. We sort through it all and recommend the TV shows and movies that are right for you. Following Its Country Music, Nashville May Loosen Up on MarijuanaThis city, which residents often refer to as the Buckle of the Bible Belt, may be on the cusp of decriminalizing marijuana. How Tech Companies Disrupted Silicon Valley’s Restaurant SceneRestaurants in Palo Alto are increasingly struggling as rents soar and workers are hired away by the corporate cafeterias of behemoths like Google. Pro-Putin Parties Show Strength in Russian Parliament ElectionsEarly results showed the governing party, United Russia, with 46 percent of the vote in an election marked by low turnout in large cities. Holocaust Survivors’ Needs Grow, and Aid Is Slow to Catch UpAging and often infirm and isolated, the remaining survivors require more help even as traditional sources of funding are starting to taper off. Obama, Keen to Push Israeli-Palestinian Peace, Will Meet With NetanyahuAides said he was expected to review his diplomatic achievements at his last visit to the United Nations, and he might press Israel’s leader to move toward reconciliation. Berlin Voters Deal Angela Merkel’s Party Another BlowMs. Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union won about 18 percent of the vote in a state election, not enough to allow it to remain the junior partner in a coalition with the Social Democrats. Advertising: Adblock Plus, Created to Protect Users From Ads, Instead Opens the DoorWith its new platform, an automated online service, the company will allow more websites to place ads in front of users. Amatrice Journal: After Quake, an Italian Crisis Unit Races to Rescue a Region’s HeritageWith thousands of relics and books at risk in the rubble, a crisis unit is working tirelessly to retrieve and preserve them. Bits: Artificial Intelligence Software Is Booming. But Why Now?As G.E., Oracle, Salesforce.com and others push their A.I. products, it remains unclear whether potential customers understand how they will profit. Ultra Runner Karl Meltzer Sets Appalachian Trail Record, Fueled by Beer and CandyHe covered the 2,190 miles in less than 46 days, shaving about 10 hours off the previous mark. More Recent Articles |
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