The continuing attacks threaten to shatter Mr. Trump’s uneasy alliance with the Republican Party at the outset of the general election During a news conference with the prime minister of Singapore, the president said the Republican nominee was “woefully unprepared to do this job.” President Obama said on Tuesday that Donald J. Trump was “woefully unprepared” to serve as president, and asked why Republicans kept distancing themselves from the candidate while still supporting him. The Hewlett Packard chief and Republican fund-raiser said Mrs. Clinton had reached out to her about a month ago, one of the first indications that the Democratic nominee is courting Republican leaders. Judge Gonzalo Curiel, whose impartiality was once questioned by Donald J. Trump, said there were enough questions about Mr. Trump’s alleged dealings with his former students to continue with the case. Donald Trump and his son Eric were criticized for saying she would find another career if she were harassed and would not allow herself to be subjected to such behavior. The departures of three top officials came more than a week after leaked emails showed that officials had showed favoritism toward Hillary Clinton. As the infant’s wailing continued, Mr. Trump’s remarks on the situation shifted from “I love babies” to “I was only kidding, you can get that baby out of here.” Here’s what you need to know at the end of the day. Since Rodrigo Duterte took office in June, promising a tough stance on drug suspects, more than 400 people have been killed, the news media said. How the Turkish president’s sweeping purge of political opponents would look if Americans were targeted at a similar scale. Turks of all stripes believe the United States was involved in the coup attempt, especially because the cleric suspected of leading it lives in Pennsylvania. Senior American military officers at Incirlik Air Base scrambled to figure out what was happening, and reverberations were felt directly at the installation. Rotten loans and plunging home values made Las Vegas the center of the housing crisis. Thousands of people have yet to recover, and see little hope that the election will fix anything. It has been something of an open secret among experts that flossing hasn’t been shown to prevent cavities or periodontal disease. Mr. Bratton, the most widely recognized face in American policing, will take a job in the private sector and be replaced by the department’s top uniformed officer, Chief James P. O’Neill. Chief O’Neill, who was named New York’s next police commissioner, is steeped in the city’s policing culture, but has been among those eager to embrace change. Five years after the tsunami that killed tens of thousands in Japan, a husband still searches the sea for his wife, joined by a father hoping to find his daughter. The art collector, seeking to bolster provenance research at the Neue Galerie, says a work might be returned to people who claim to be the rightful owners. Although it is unclear how many athletes will be disguising their footwear at the Rio Games, the practice is common at track meets, for various reasons. Justices held that a law gave judges too great a role in imposing death sentences, a decision that could effectively end capital punishment in Delaware. A law taking effect in 2018 requires employers to offer a compensation figure upfront in an effort to end the wage gap between men and women. Hillary Clinton ignited criticism with claims she made about her email use in an interview with Fox News, but don’t look for it in The Times. Lawyers for the white man accused of killing nine people in a historic African-American church in Charleston, S.C., last year argued that capital punishment is unconstitutional. Phyllis Zagano, who was appointed by Pope Francis to study the possibility of ordaining women as deacons, discusses what the group aims to accomplish. Olympic organizers have admitted that their efforts to clean up the bay in Rio de Janeiro have fallen short, leaving polluted water for the competitors. Citigroup’s ad campaign for the Olympics showcases the benefits of large global banks, and other big banks are trying to soften their image. “Can we just talk about the book?” asks the author of “The Underground Railroad,” the latest Oprah Winfrey book club selection. “I’m not a healer.” Tucked inside Grand Central Terminal, Claus Meyer’s new restaurant offers a sleek trip to Scandinavia. Catching trout and finding just a little religion in fly-fishing heaven. More Recent Articles |
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